四核、4G、大芒有齊!Sony Xperia T2 Ultra 雙版本賣 $3,498! - 手機新聞 - SONY 討論區 - ePrice.HK 現在 Sony Xperia Z Ultra LTE 開價 $4,698 比起開賣時便宜了很多,加上場內最便宜可以在三字頭入手,有唔少鐘意大芒既網友都會考慮(另外兩部熱門的大芒手機應該是 Vega 的 A880 和 A890 吧)。今日 (3 月 25 日) Sony 亦在香港發佈一部
SONY - 全部型號 - Xperia T2 Ultra 規格與手機介紹 | ePrice 比價王 Sony Mobile 於 2014 年 1 月 14 日發表針對新興市場設計的大螢幕智慧型手機 Xperia T2 Ultra,結合精工設計與 Sony 拍照、螢幕技術,打造成中價位 LTE 高速連網手機。Xperia T2 也是 Sony 繼 Xperia Z Ultra 後,第二款到達六吋等級的大螢幕手機
Sony Xperia Z - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Sony Xperia Z is a touchscreen enabled[6] Android high-end smartphone designed, developed and marketed by Sony Mobile. The phone was announced by Sony at CES 2013 and was released on 9 February 2013 in Japan and 1 March 2013 in Singapore and the UK. T
First Sony Xperia T2 Ultra camera samples appear With manufacturers shifting their focus ever more rapidly to China, early access to upcoming products is becoming more and more commonplace. The Sony Xperia T2 Ultra is case in point, as Chinese ePrice have managed to get their hands on two units of the n
New images surface of the Sony Xperia T2 Ultra We've seen a number of images showing off the Sony Xperia T2 Ultra. Today, we have some new images that show both a black Xperia T2 Ultra Dual (XM50h for China Unicom) and a white Xperia T2 Ultra (XM50t for China Mobile). Sony has toned down the specs to
Xperia Z and Xperia ZL announced for Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan | Xperia Blog Sony Mobile recently held a number of launch events for the Xperia Z and Xperia ZL across Asia. The company announced that the Sony Xperia Z and Xperia ZL will be heading to Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan during Q1 2013. The HSPA+ versions of the ..
光彩奪目,Xperia Z Ultra 全新韌體有感升級! - 手機新聞| ePrice ... 2013年8月31日 ... 光彩奪目,Xperia Z Ultra 全新韌體有感 升級! 丹尼爾 發表 ...
Sony Xperia Z Ultra 港版試玩後感分享 - ePrice 比價王 2013年7月17日 ... Sony Xperia Z Ultra 今日在香港推出,ePrice 香港站也安排了網友Eric 試玩這款6.4 吋大螢幕手機。除了對 ...
SONY Xperia Z Ultra C6802 介紹 - ePrice 比價王 也因為如此,這次Sony 宣稱Xperia Z Ultra 是目前世界上擁有最大螢幕、最薄設計與 最快運行速度的FHD 旗艦大螢幕手機。